I would like to introduce my favorite feedlot owner/operator.
Meet Craig, my hard working dirt magnet! |
Kohls Land & Cattle - summer of 2009 |
The information below is the result of many years of love, trial and error, and hours of hard work. (Not the questions and answers, per say... those are the result of me twisting his arm until he agreed to answer these questions for me. For those of you who know him, you'll understand how difficult that can be! See question #8.) So... enjoy our friendly little conversation.
Question #1: When did you first know that you wanted to raise cattle?
Answer: I've always had an interest in feeding cattle. I guess I'm not sure when I made that decision.
We built our Monoslope in 2009 and added our first addition in 2012. |
Answer: Because I enjoy it. My family enjoys it. It's a way to help teach our kids a good work ethic. ("When you teach a kid how to work hard, you teach him how to work through whatever’s hard." - I keep this in mind with my children every day! Sometimes they say I'm not fair, but I keep hoping they (or their future spouse) will thank me some say!)
Who loves this camera angle? She's not really petting the heifer... |
Answer: To farm with our kids and for them to eventually take over. (Right on!!!)
Love. |
Answer: I would say the weather is defiantly my biggest challenge. I hate mud!
During Cold weather, calving can be daunting... extra checks are needed to ensure calves are well cared for and thriving in the cold weather. |
Question #5: What would you say is the biggest challenge to the cattle industry today?
Answer: EPA - over regulation. Though we haven't had any issues with them, there are a number of people/places who have.This picture has nothing to do with the EPA, but it should make you smile. |
Question #6: What is your favorite part of the cattle business?
Answer: Shipping and receiving of cattle. I think it's enjoyable to start a new group of cattle on feed, and the shipping of a finished group of cattle is very rewarding. I also really enjoy calving. The excitement of the calving season is something that I really enjoy.
Calving season 2015. |
Question #7: What is your least favorite part of the cattle business?
Answer: Marketing.
Ask Squirt what she want's to when she grows up and she'll tell you Dentist, Cowgirl & Ninja Warrior. |
Question #8: What is one thing you wish people knew about you?
Answer: I'm kind of a private individual...
Lucky for Craig, most tractors only have one seat. |
Question #9: Who would you say is your biggest influencer?
Answer: As an overall mentor, I would say my dad is my first stop when it comes to making all business decisions. When it comes to the feedlot side of the operation I would say there are many people on my "management team" that I consult when I need to make decisions.
Planting season 2015, Craig's dad Ron. |
Question #10: If you could upgrade or change any building or piece of equipment on the place, what would it be and why?
Answer: I would like to streamline my feed storage and mixing area. I don't currently have a commodity shed, our feed ingredients are kept in different locations on the farm. Our working and loading facility could also be upgraded. These are items that were also retrofitted to buildings and facilities original to the place.
Adding wetcake to the TMR. Our next building project will include a commodity shed and upgraded mixing area. |
Answer: Ok, I didn't really ask that question... no point in asking a question you already know the answer to.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know the backbone of our cattle farm and my first edition of "Feedlot Friday". Stay tuned for future editions about feedlot stories and facts.
P.S. - Happy May BEEF Month!
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